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IoBNT: Internet of Bio-Nano-Things is foundational to the Biodigital Convergence. It has been in development since 2004. Not only is IoBNT an interface, but also a 1st generation, Bio-Cyber defense platform for the human body, complete with anti-virus. It’s a communication framework characterized by heterogeneous networks comprising both biological entities and artificial micro/nano-scale devices.

BNT: Bio-Nano-Things, also called nano-machines, are made of nanoscale components functioning as tiny computers inside the body. They form intra-body molecular nano-networks. The machines contain software and perform tasks. They have transceivers to send and receive messages at the nano-level. They have the ability to reproduce- they contain instructions to fabricate and replicate components that make up the nano-machines. They are equipped with nano-sensors and actuators that use nano-scale communication technologies (Molecular Communication/ Terahertz based Nano electromagnetic Communication). They also contain a power generator that can store power in cells within the nano-machine and maintain an electrical current in the software.

IoT: Internet of Things is the collective network of connected devices and the technology that facilitates communication between devices and the cloud, as well as between the devices themselves.

IoNT: Internet of Nano-Things involves miniature sensors connected to each other via nano networks to obtain data from objects.

IoDT: Internet of Disposable Things (also referred to as IoBDT: Internet of Biodegradable Things) involves revamping the construction of IoT (Internet of Things) devices. Using biodegradable materials such as paper to create wireless sensors to gather data for the IoT devices turns them into IoDT devices.

IoB: Internet of Bodies is an ecosystem of internet-connected devices that monitor the human body and collect personal biometric data.

IoPS: Internet of People and Senses is the sharing of human cognitive functionalities and senses through the Internet. The interconnection of human brains, i.e., Brainets, for an advanced network-scale consciousness. Goals for IoPS include human augmentation such as mind control over electronic devices and internet access by thought.

IoST: Internet of Space Things expands the functionalities of traditional IoT, with a satellite backhaul network and real-time satellite-captured information. Also involves integration of on the ground data and satellite information. The fundamental building block for IoST is a new generation of inexpensive nano-satellites known as CubeSats that Prof. Dr. Ian F. Akyıldız started work on back in 2016.

lan F. Akyildiz: A New CubeSat Design with Reconfigurable Multi-band Radios

IIoT: Industrial Internet of Things uses sensors and other networking equipment to monitor and process data in the industrial sector.

IoAT: Internet of Agricultural Things uses sensors and other devices to monitor the agricultural sector.

IoM: Internet of Money utilizes Blockchain to create an interconnected financial system.

IoT: Internet of Trees uses sensors and other devices to monitor large areas of land to see real time data on trees, soil, wildfires, and the overall environment.

IoV: Internet of Vehicles monitors and connects vehicles to the things around them such as pedestrians, other vehicles, traffic equipment, parking lots, traffic accidents and so on.

IoE: Internet of Energy connects and monitors every point within the power grid infrastructure, including grid operators, energy processors, and distribution.


IoE: Internet of Everything - From Molecules to the Universe

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