Nanoparticles Enter Humans From All Angles
Air (Geoengineering)
Dust & Fog
Vitamins & Supplements
- Medical Body Area Network (MBAN)
- Equipment
- COVID-19 Injections
- Nanopharmacology / Nanomedicine
- Homeopathy, Ayurvedic, Allopathic
- Orthopedic Implants
- Dental Anaesthetics
- Dental Implants
Nanoparticles enter the body through inhalation, absorption into the skin, ingestion, and through medical or dental procedures.

Many engineered nanoparticles fall into the category of dual-use technology, meaning they are capable of more than one purpose or goal. The general public is largely unaware of this as they are continually saturated with nanoparticles from all angles.
Titanium dioxide (TiO2) nanoparticles are one example of dual-use technology. They serve as semiconductors as well as food additives. TiO2 is the most commonly produced and ingested nanomaterial. In addition to food additives, it’s also used in cosmetics, personal care products, and many other products at the commercial level. Titanium dioxide nanoparticles accumulate orally, through absorption and through inhalation.
"Titanium dioxide (TiO2) is a material with wide applications due to its optical and electronic properties. It is used as an ingredient in sunscreen lotions and food products, as a pigment in paints and as semiconductors in the photocatalytic degradation of organic compounds."
Iron oxide nanoparticles are another example of dual-use technology. Iron oxide nanoparticles can act as transducers. They are also found in food and medicine.
Bioinspired nanotransducers for neuromodulation
Nanomaterials such as carbon nanotubes, graphene, zinc oxide nanobelts, and silver-gallium nanowires used in a variety of commercial products can also be used for biological applications, biosensors, wireless technologies, RF communications, and more.
High Frequency Resonators Using Exotic Nanomaterials
The FDA has approved the oxide semiconductors Iron Oxide, Titanium Dioxide, Anatole Titanium Dioxide, and Rutile Zinc Oxide as food additives. When these are ingested, humans become the semiconductor as these enhance the body’s conductivity. More on this here.
Nanoparticles used in aerosol and sprayed into the sky are yet another example of dual-use technology. The following document on solar radiation modification aerosol spray discusses the "potential applications in biological, electronic, and quantum technologies.”
Diamond-doped silica aerogel for solar geoengineering
"Expert opinion: Aerosol-based technologies can be used to design nanoparticles with the desired functionality.“
Fabrication of aerosol-based nanoparticles and their applications in biomedical fields
Nanotechnology In Air (Geoengineering)
The introduction of nanotechnology to the atmosphere uses terms such as geoengineering, solar geoengineering, solar engineering, solar radiation management, stratospheric aerosol injection, climate engineering, climate intervention, climate restoration, climate protection, etc. They all involve the same basic principles.
Geoengineering strategies are one example of human augmentation technologies that adhere to electrical standards from the IEC.

"In the atmosphere, nanoparticles have fundamental importance for chemical and physical processes."
- Institute of Meteorology and Climate Research Atmopsheric Aerosol Research, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
There is a long list of nanomaterials used in weather modification/geoengineering. Some are capable of affecting the atmosphere while also building nanonetworks inside the human body. However, not all nanomaterials are self assembling once inside the body.
It only takes 15 planes to geoengineer the entire planet.“If highly mass-efficient CS2 were used, a fleet of no more than 15 aircraft could carry up 100 kilotons of sulfur a year. Aged but operable used G650s cost about $25 million. Adding in the cost of modification, maintenance, spare parts, salaries, fuel, materials, and insurance, we expect the average total cost of a decade-long subscale deployment would be about $500 million a year. Large-scale deployment would cost at least 10 times as much.
”Solar geoengineering could start soon if it starts small
Solar Radiation Management (SRM), also known as Solar Radiation Modification (SRM), Stratospheric Aerosol Injection (SAI) or solar engineering:
This involves reflecting sunlight back into space to cool the planet.
CIA Director John Brennan speaking on geoengineering and Stratospheric Aerosol Injection (SAI). Source
“Solar radiation management (SRM) is a climate engineering strategy to reduce temperature increases due to global climate change. The most well-researched SRM methodology is stratospheric aerosol injection (SAI), which involves increasing the concentration of aerosol particles in the stratosphere to reduce the amount of solar radiation reaching Earth’s surface. The most considered and heavily researched aerosol for SAI is sulfate…When sulfur is injected into the stratosphere, it primarily causes changes in atmospheric concentrations of sulfate aerosols, which are formed when sulfur dioxide reacts with water vapor, effectively reflecting sunlight back into space and potentially cooling the planet; this process, known as Stratospheric Aerosol Injection (SAI), can also disrupt atmospheric chemistry…”
Stratospheric aerosol injection may impact global systems and human health outcomes
“Here we describe an alternate method in which aerosol is formed rapidly in the plume following injection of H2SO4, a condensable vapor, from an aircraft. This method gives better control of particle size and can produce larger radiative forcing with lower sulfur loadings than SO2injection.”
“Stratospheric aerosols (SAs) are a variable component of the Earth's albedo that may be intentionally enhanced in the future to offset greenhouse gases (geoengineering). The role of tropospheric-sourced sulfur dioxide (SO2) in maintaining background SAs…”
"Stratospheric aerosol injection (SAI) is currently the most feasible climate intervention strategy and is being tested at ever increasing scales. It is critical to understand the global downstream impacts of these locally created interventions. However, in the finest detail, predictions require bridging scales from individual aerosol particles to large volumes of Earth’s atmosphere. Here the application of a novel discretization paradigm, the Eulerian-Lagrangian Point-Mass-Particle (ELPMP) discretization, is investigated as a method to model seeding, transport, and evolution of aerosols from injection-scale to Earth-scale impacts."
“Stratospheric aerosol injection (SAI) could change the sky's appearance. This could play a role in shaping public perception of SAI. Noticeability depends strongly on tropospheric aerosol optical depth (AOD) and the amount of SAI used. We aim to quantify the noticeability of changes in sky color and brightness due to SAI…We cannot evaluate the fraction of the population who would notice these changes.”
Under a not so white sky: visual impacts of stratospheric aerosol injection
Modeling Aerosol Transport for Stratospheric Solar Geoengineering: from Particle to Plume Scale
U.S. National Science Foundation: Impacts of Geoengineering Using Stratospheric Aerosols

“SRM deployments…could have substantial risks and unintended and unexpected consequences. Side effects of SRM are driven by complex chemical, radiative, and dynamical interactions, such as changes to the hydrologic cycle and clouds, or effects on ecosystems, agricultural production, and the carbon cycle. Additional impacts on the protective stratospheric ozone layer by SAI and alterations to the El Niño Southern Oscillation by MCB are also possible. The potential risks and benefits to human health and well-being and to ecosystems from SRM need to be evaluated and assessed…”
Solar radiation modification: NOAA State of the Science factsheet
Inhaling nanoparticles as a result of SRM using stratospheric aerosol injections is discussed in the document below:
“Using available evidence, we describe the potential direct occupational and public health impacts of exposures to aerosols likely to be used for SRM, including environmental sulfates, black carbon, metallic aluminum, and aluminum oxide aerosols. We speculate on possible health impacts of exposure to one promising SRM material, barium titanate, using knowledge of similar nanomaterials.
Human exposures to materials used for SRM could occur during the manufacture, transportation, deployment and post-deployment of these materials. In this paper, unless otherwise stated, inhalation is the primary route of exposure considered.
Population exposures:
Due to atmospheric circulation and gravitational deposition, large-scale population exposures to atmospherically-injected SRM materials will almost certainly occur after their deployment. Population exposures could also occur through ingestion of food and water contaminated with deposited particles, as well as transdermally. Unlike occupational exposures, there has been virtually no research done to estimate ground-level personal exposures to SRM materials…
In contrast to occupational exposures, population exposures to SRM materials will be continuous and prolonged over months to years, but will likely be orders of magnitude lower than those experienced occupationally. Thus the health effects will be primarily chronic in nature. The use of PPE to reduce personal exposures to deposited SRM materials is not feasible on a population scale."
Nanoparticles Sulfur dioxide (SO2) and Silicon dioxide (SiO2) as precursors in aircraft aerosol use in Solar Radiation Management (SRM):
The article below connects Solar Radiation Management and Geoengineering to Blockchain. (Click here for more on Blockchain and how it connects with other aspects of the Biodigital Convergence.)
Geoengineering and the blockchain: Coordinating Carbon Dioxide Removal and Solar Radiation Management to tackle future emissions
Marine Cloud Brightening:

This Scientific American article linked below about the same project reads, “The experiment is spraying microscopic salt particles into the air…” Note their misleading use of the word ‘microscopic’.
Researcher Pete Ramón points out:
“Microscale can never be nanoscale in terms of measurement. When non-scientific authors use micro- to describe nano- they're wrong, but when scientists in the field use micro- to describe nano-, it's intentionally misleading/confusing the reader. That said, nanomaterials can be coagulated/agglomerated/grown to create micro-sized materials. Also, creating nanomaterials from micro can also be done via techniques such as ablation and sonication.”
Geoengineering Test Quietly Launches Salt Crystals into Atmosphere (2024)
This article linked below reads, “Developing a new cloud-aerosol research instrument for use in small-scale field studies. This new research instrument generates controlled volumes and sizes of tiny, sub-micrometer seawater particles in sufficient numbers to increase the local brightness of low clouds in a marine environment"
Researcher Pete Ramón points out their use of the word “sub-micrometer” means by definition that it is nanoscale. If it’s in the nanoscale, we are talking about nanoparticles. Specifically, nanoparticles being released into the sky.
Marine Cloud Brightening Program
Salt particles ranging in size from 30-100 nanometers are the most effective for spraying.
“Factors determining the most efficient spray distribution for marine cloud brightening”
Cloud Seeding (and the nucleation process):
Ship Tracks:
Nanoparticles from sea vessels are released into the air in the form of “ship tracks”, streaks of clouds from shipping emissions that can reach several miles wide and several hundred miles long.

“‘Ship tracks' above the northern Pacific Ocean. These patterns are produced when fine particles from ship exhaust float into a moist layer of atmosphere. The particles seed new clouds or attract water from existing cloud particles. Image taken by the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) onboard NASA’s Aqua satellite on July 3, 2010.” Quote and image credit
Commercial Aircraft:
“Creating persistent cooling contrails at scale may be considered as solar geoengineering…Avoiding persistent warming contrails at scale is not geoengineering but a significant mitigation opportunity”

“Both aspects offer the potential for aviation to reduce the climate impact of aviation (less soot emissions, less warming and more cooling contrails; predictable for operational planning)”
“The detected metallic compounds were all internally mixed with the soot particles...In addition, the emitted particles could act as Ice Nucleating Particles (INP) and affect natural clouds…The largest radiative forcing arises from the induced cirrus caused by the possible evolution of linear contrails into persisting cirrus clouds…These spreading cirrus clouds can become undistinguishable from naturally (e.g. synoptically or orographically) evolved cirrus clouds…”
David Keith likening commercial aircraft contrails to geoengineering projects: “You can't write legislation that says you can't put sulfur in the stratosphere since every commercial flight does that.”
Insight: How two weather balloons led Mexico to ban solar geoengineering
Sulfur as a fuel additive to create aerosol in planes is discussed here. "Options for dispersing gases from planes include the addition of sulfur to the fuel, which would release the aerosol through the exhaust system of the plane, or the attachment of a nozzle to release the sulfur from its own tank within the plane, which would be the better option.”
Benefits, risks, and costs of stratospheric geoengineering
“Sulfuric acid (H2SO4), formed in commercial aircraft operations via fuel-S (goes to) SO2 (goes to) SO3 (goes to) H2SO4 plays an important role in the formation of contrails.”
NASA: Sulfur Oxidation and Contrail Precursor Chemistry
“Our simulations show that sulfur dioxide is converted into sulfur trioxide and sulfuric acid…allowing a visible contrail to appear earlier.”
Fuel additives used for internal combustion engines in planes (as well as buses and ships) also contain nanoparticles in the form of multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWCNT), single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWCNT), graphene nanoplatelets (GNP), and metal oxides such as cerium oxide (CeO2) that are released in the exhaust.
"…adding Cu, Fe, Pt and graphene nanoparticles to diesel-biodiesel fuel blends can improve combustion and reduce emissions to varying degrees.” The Effects of Nano-Additives Added to Diesel-Biodiesel Fuel Blends on Combustion and Emission Characteristics of Diesel Engine: A Review
Nanoparticle Fuel Additives: Issues relating to nanoparticulate fuel additives
Plasmonics in aerosols:
What is plasmonics?
Plasmonic gold nanorods are used in aerosols.
"...we experimentally demonstrate a plasmonic aerosol by transitioning liquid suspensions of gold nanorods into the gas phase"
Plasmonic Aerosols -
Plasmonic gold nanorods and their role in aerosols used in geoengineering are discussed here: Plasmonic aerosols
Plasmonic aerosols in clouds: "About 2,650,000 results"
Who’s behind geoengineering?

Economic interests and ideologies behind solar geoengineering research in the United States
David Keith, Ken Caldeira, Ben Kravitz, Alan Robock are five of the biggest names behind geoengineering. See how they fit into things on the map below:

“This is a really important moral point. So if I made a decision, or if there was a collective decision to do a geoengineering program, and you put say, the kind of program I think makes more sense, you put about a million tons of sulfur per year (in the stratosphere), you might end up killing many tens of thousands of people a year as a direct result of that decision. Now it’s true, as part of doing that, you would hope that overall benefits of human mortality would be so that you would save many more people than that. But, the fact that you would save more people than you kill doesn’t mean there’s no moral impact of making a decision that directly kills people and I think that we who talk about this have a duty to be clear eyed about the direct risks involved in doing it.”
-David Keith
Geoengineering is being pushed under the false pretense of climate change.
“…the benefit would be reduced climate change, so cooler temperatures, less extreme storms, less sea level rise, et cetera.”
-David Keith
A radical solution to address climate change, with David Keith
Whose climate intervention? Solar geoengineering, fractions of capital, and hegemonic strategy
Funding For Solar Geoengineering From 2008-2018
The money spent on geoengineering is undoubtedly higher by an exponential order of magnitude and the reasons behind it still shrouded behind the veil of the Biodigital Convergence.
Global efforts to unilaterally govern geoengineering
Efforts to ban geoengineering
Want to modify the weather in the U.S.? Just fill out this simple form from NOAA:
U.S. Department of Commerce, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, NOAA FORM 17-4
A petition for rulemaking requesting that NOAA amend reporting requirements under the Weather Modification Reporting Act of 1972 regarding geoengineering:
Public Comments Open for Federal Register Notice: Weather Modification Act
Resources devoted to the exposing of geoengineering:
“This interactive world map on geoengineering, prepared by ETC Group and the Heinrich Boell Foundation, sheds light on the alarming expansion of geoengineering research and experimentation. It builds on an earlier map of Earth Systems Experimentation published in 2012. That original map documented around 300 projects and experiments related to the field of geoengineering. Almost a decade later, more than 1,700 such projects have been identified- including past, ongoing and planned ones. When opening the map, only ongoing and planned projects are displayed, as well as those that have been completed or cancelled in the last five years. These include Carbon Removal and Solar Radiation Management as well as other geoengineering approaches. The map also contains Carbon Capture and Weather Modification projects. There is no complete record of weather and climate control projects so this map is necessarily partial.”
Interactive map of current geoengineering projects around the world
Nanotechnology In Dust & Fog
Smart dust create networks that contain sensors, computer software, wireless communication capabilities and have their own autonomous power supply.
“Smart materials based on nanotechnology are currently being developed with gigaops computer capability at their core. They could adjust their size to optimal dimensions for a given fog seeding situation and even make adjustments throughout the process. They might also enhance their dispersal qualities by adjusting their buoyancy, by communicating with each other, and by steering themselves within the fog. They will be able to provide immediate and continuous effectiveness feedback by integrating with a larger sensor network and can also change their temperature and polarity to improve their seeding effects. As mentioned above, UAVs could be used to deliver and distribute these smart materials. Recent army research lab experiments have demonstrated the feasibility of generating fog.
“…the weather-modification applications proposed in this report range from technically
proven to potentially feasible. They are similar, however, in that none are currently employed or envisioned for employment by our operational forces.”
Weather as a Force Multiplier: Owning the Weather in 2025 (released in 1997) | alternate link
DARPA: Implantable “Neural Dust” Enables Precise Wireless Recording of Nerve Activity
NASA: Biology Inspired Approach for Communal Behavior in Sensor Networks
Dust in the Wind, Intelligent Dust, Sensors in the Air, Everywhere
Wireless Recording in the Peripheral Nervous System with Ultrasonic Neural Dust
Claytronics, smart dust, and utility fog: mind-blowing, shape-shifting, next-level tech
Why “utility fogs” could be the technology that changes the world
Scientists create rice grain size microbatteries to power ‘smart dust’
Microbatteries much smaller than a grain of rice for a smart dust future
A Sub-Square-Millimeter Microbattery with Milliampere-Hour-Level Footprint Capacity
Nanotechnology In Rainwater
Nanotechnology In Soil (forest fires)
The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals call for nano-biochar, formed from the burning of forest fires. The fires are involved in producing electrochemical sensors, biosensors, carbon nanotubes, graphene quantum dots, carbon quantum dots, etc. This relates to plant nanobionics, found in the next section.
United Nations Sustainable Development Goals: 17 Goals to Transform our World
Biochar in Agriculture for Achieving Sustainable Development Goals
Biochar as a Geoengineering Climate Solution: Hazard Identification and Risk Management
“Biochar is a carbon-rich porous material obtained by the thermochemical treatment of biomass. Biochar presents a suitable composition as precursor material for carbon nanotubes (CNTs) growth.”
Synthesis of carbon nanotubes using biochar as precursor material under microwave irradiation. -
A Review on the Use of Biochar Derived Carbon Quantum Dots Production for Sensing Applications
Recent Advances of Biochar-Based Electrochemical Sensors and Biosensors
A Review on the Use of Biochar Derived Carbon Quantum Dots Production for Sensing Applications
Nanobiochar for the remediation of contaminated soil and water: challenges and opportunities
Machine learning and computational chemistry to improve biochar fertilizers: a review
Chitosan-Modified Biochars to Advance Research on Heavy Metal
Chitosan as a Tool for Sustainable Development: A Mini Review
Biochar in the Development of Electrochemical Printed Platforms
A simple method for the synthesis of biochar nanodots using hydrothermal reactor
Synthesis and Growth of Green Graphene from Biochar Reveal Magnetic Properties:
A Review on the Use of Biochar Derived Carbon Quantum Dots Production for Sensing Applications
Carbon nanoparticles in ‘biochar’ boost wheat (Triticum aestivum) plant growth
Nanoscale Interactions Between Engineered Nanomaterials and Black Carbon (Biochar) In Soil
Nanobiochar and biochar based nanocomposites: Advances and applications
Biochar-supported nanomaterials for environmental applications
Nanotechnology In Trees
Nanotechnology In Wildlife
Nanotechnology In Plants
Plant Nanobionics: Application of Nanobiosensors in Plant Biology
Plant nanobionics approach to augment photosynthesis and biochemical sensing
Plant nanobionics: Fortifying food security via engineered plant productivity
The scientist who came up with the Plantenna: P.G. Steeneken
Plantenna: towards a network of vegetation-integrated sensors for plant and environmental monitoring
Plantenna: Using Plant Leaves to Increase Antenna Performance
Biogenic and Anthropogenic Magnetic Nanoparticles in the Phloem Sieve Tubes of Plants
Cyborg Botany: Augmented plants as sensors, displays, and actuators
Nanotechnology In Farming (including organic farming)
Nanofarming, precision farming, smart farming, plant nanobionics, and other such trends all incorporate the use of nanotechnology, including “organic” farming:
"Project members established industry and government partnerships that guide, fund, and speed up the development, commercialization, and adoption of nanotechnologies. For example, Michigan State University has an agreement with a food company to validate and potentially license a nanosensor."
Nanotechnology in Agriculture and Food Systems -
Role of Nanosensors and Bionanosensors in Crop Abiotic Stress
Nanobionics in Crop Production: An Emerging Approach to Modulate Plant Functionalities
Some Emerging Opportunities of Nanotechnology Development for Soilless and Microgreen Farming
Nanofarming: Promising Solutions for the Future of the Global Agriculture Industry
Cyborg Botany: Exploring In-Planta Cybernetic Systems for Interaction
Synthesis of Three-Dimensional Graphene-Based Hybrid Materials for Water Purification: A Review
Graphene Oxide: A New Carrier for Slow Release of Plant Micronutrients
Graphene oxide based soil moisture microsensor for in situ agriculture applications
Graphene wearable for plants? Meet agritech’s next revolution
Internet of Things-Enabled Food and Plant Sensors to Empower Sustainability
Monitoring soil elements for irrigation management using Internet of Things (IoT) sensors
SAWPS: Secure Access Control for Wearable Plant Sensors- Reinforcing Agriculture 4.0 (IEEE)
Graphene wearable for plants? Meet agritech’s next revolution
Expert Panel on the Responsible Adoption of Quantum Technologies (soil)
Sensitive Technology Research Areas (environmental monitoring)
World Government Summit- Agriculture 4.0: The Future of Farming Technology
The Green Science Alliance and the Quantum Dot nano fertilizers
Talking to Plants: Carleton University Smart Fertilizer Project Could Be Game Changer for Farmers
Regulation and safety measures for nanotechnology-based agri-products (fertilizers)
Machine learning and computational chemistry to improve biochar fertilizers: a review
Challenges and advantages of electrospun nanofibers in agriculture: a review
Applying Nanotechnology to Fertilizer: Rationales, research, risks and regulatory challenges
Recent advances in nanotechnology for the improvement of conventional agricultural systems: A review
Agriculture 4.0: The Future of Farming Technology (World Government Summit)
Nanofarming: Promising Solutions for the Future of the Global Agricultural Industry
Digital Twins in Agriculture: Orchestration and Applications
Digital twin-driven real-time planning, monitoring, and controlling in food supply chains
Bio-Nanotechnology and its Role in Agriculture and Food Industry
Nanomaterials in Organic Food? The USDA Is Looking the Other Way
National Organic Program Leaves Door Open to Nanotechnology in Organic (2015)
Tower Gardens:
Some Emerging Opportunities of Nanotechnology Development for Soilless and Microgreen Farming
IEEE: A Smart Aeroponic Tailored for loT Vertical Agriculture using Network Connected Modular
Nanotechnology In Food
This is one way it enters your body. Nanoparticles can breach the blood-brain barrier.
An Overview of the Applications of Nanomaterials and Nanodevices in the Food Industry
Microbiome-Gut-Brain Axis as a Biomolecular Communication Network for the Internet of Bio-NanoThings
Application of Iron Nanoparticle-Based Materials in the Food Industry
Outlook and Challenges of Nanotechnologies for Food Packaging
Polymeric Nanocomposites and Nanocoatings for Food Packaging: A Review
Nanostructured materials in food science: Current progress and future prospects
Monitoring nanomaterials in food: a critical overview, perspectives, and challenges
Bio-Nanotechnology and its Role in Agriculture and Food Industry
Nanotechnology Used in Over 2,000 Food Items Goes Unlabeled Due to Weird FDA Loophole (video)
Nanotechnology in Food Packaging:
Nanocoating for Extended Shelf Life of Fruits and Vegetables
Study Edible Nano-Coating Extends Shelf Life Of Perishable Food
“This study shows that a fraction of pharmaceutical/food grade titanium dioxide is absorbed systemically by humans following ingestion…In summary, we show here that a portion of ingested pharmaceutical and food grade TiO2, to which humans are very frequently orally exposed, is directly absorbed, as particles, into the blood stream of healthy volunteers.”
Pharmaceutical/food grade titanium dioxide particles are absorbed into the bloodstream of human volunteers
Nanotechnology In Beverages
“The biodistribution study in major organs indicated that the NPs [nanoparticles] were easily accumulated in the digestive tract, and they were able to cross the blood-brain barrier and dispersed in the brain.”
Nanotechnology In Vitamins and Supplements
Nanotechnology In Nutraceuticals
Advances in Nanofabrication Technology for Nutraceuticals: New Insights and Future Trends
Organ-on-Chip: Advancing Nutraceutical Testing for Improved Health Outcomes
An Updated Overview on Nanonutraceuticals: Focus on Nanoprebiotics and Nanoprobiotics
Nanotechnology impacting probiotics and prebiotics: a paradigm shift in nutraceuticals technology
Nanotechnology in Nootropics
Intranasal Delivery of Functionalized Polymeric Nanomaterials to the Brain
The Future of Nootropics: Nanotechnology and Cognitive Enhancement
Nanotechnology In Tobacco
Nanotechnology In Healthcare
World Economic Forum (WEF): The Future of AI-Enabled Health (2025)
The Digital Twin Brain: A Bridge between Biological and Artificial Intelligence
Biomedical and healthcare applications relating to the Internet of Bio-Nano-Things (IoBNT) are discussed in the video below, such as floating nanosensors in the bloodstream that eavesdrop on molecular communication and report to devices outside of the body. The connecting of electronic and implantable devices such as brain implants, smart glasses, cardiac pacemakers, gastric stimulators, smart watches, insulin pumps, foot drop implants, and smart shoes with biological devices including artificial organs, engineered immune system cells, engineered gut microbes, and engineered tissue for regenerative medicine are also talked about.
The video also discusses how remotely controllable nanobots operate in the body, using nanotechnology and MEMS to engineer cells into biosensors, communication using Molecular Communication (MC), the making of “biological computers”, engineering the DNA of bacteria to create processors, and injecting memories into living cells by encoding the DNA of bacteria.
Dr. Bige Deniz Unluturk- Molecular Communication Platforms at Multiple Scales (video)
Biomedical Applications of Quantum Dots: Overview, Challenges, and Clinical Potential
Affinity biosensors developed with quantum dots in microfluidic system
Leveraging Consumer Technology for Healthcare Systems Using Blockchain Based Bio-Sensor Devices
Review—Quantum Biosensors: Principles and Applications in Medical Diagnostics

“Focus is placed on sensors for monitoring various health parameters, short- and long-range communications standards, and cloud technologies.”IEEE: Internet of Things for Smart Healthcare: Technologies, Challenges, and Opportunities
Medical Body Area Network (MBAN):
“In 2014, the FCC finalized the rules for MBANs — a network of sensors/actuators worn on the human body that communicate with a controlling device via a wireless link…The MBAN is a subset of the more general trend of wireless body area networks (WBAN) or body sensor networks (BSN) that includes nonmedical applications such as human-computer interfaces (e.g., neural interface, virtual reality), location tracking, and personal fitness tracking).”
Passive Hardware Considerations for Medical Body Area Network Transceivers
Federal Communications Commission (FCC): Medical Body Area Networks First Report and Order (2012)
FCC: Genachowski Remarks On Unleashing Spectrum for Medical Body Area Networks (2012)
IEEE: FCC Gives Medical Body Area Networks Clean Bill of Health (2012)
A Comprehensive Survey of Digital Twins in Healthcare in the Era of Metaverse
Building digital twins of the human immune system: toward a roadmap
European Virtual Human Twins Initiative
3D bioprinting is used in the making of healthcare equipment (face masks, face shields, rapid detection kits, testing swabs, biosensors, and various ventilator components):
COVID-19 Injections:
“The biodigital convergence describes the intersection, and in some cases merging, of biological and digital technologies. Biodigital technologies include mRNA vaccines used to treat COVID-19, digitally controlled surveillance insects, microorganisms genetically engineered to produce medicinal compounds, and more.”
Indigenous perspectives on the biodigital convergence
"The evidence suggests that Trojan horse coronavirus vaccines may challenge bodily integrity and informed consent in entirely new ways, transporting invasive technologies into people’s brains and bodies. Technologies such as brain-machine interfaces, digital identity tracking devices, and cryptocurrency-compatible chips would contribute to the central banking goal of replacing currencies with digital transaction and identification systems and creating a global control grid that connects the world population to the military-pharma-intelligence cloud of the global technocrats. Moreover, using vaccines as a delivery vehicle for surveillance technologies cancels any legal liability."
“P3 focuses on rapid discovery, characterization, production, testing, and delivery of efficacious DNA- and RNA-encoded medical countermeasures, a foundational technology pioneered by DARPA…”
“…in terms of bio-nano-things these are for the health applications. I did also a lot of research on that in the last 15 years- bio-nanoscale machines- but, these are for injecting into the body and always monitoring the health problems and that is also really going really well like with these Covid vaccines its going that direction. These MRNA's are nothing [more] than small scale nanoscale machines. They are programmed and then they are injected. And the internet of nano-scale-things. So, those will be part of 7G and beyond"
ARRC Seminar Series: Prof. Ian F. Akyildiz on TeraHertz Band Communication
COVID-19 injections based on graphene, nanonetwork and Internet of Nanothings (IoNT)
Potential of graphene-based materials to combat COVID-19: properties, perspectives, and prospects
The Perspective on Bio-Nano Interface Technology for COVID-19
The COVID shots were created utilizing 3D bioprinting with programmable shape-shifting nanotechnology enabled smart materials. See more here.
Covid-19 Testing:
Reducing False Negatives in COVID-19 Testing by Using Microneedle-Based Oropharyngeal Swabs
Potential of Microneedle Systems for COVID-19 Vaccination: Current Trends and Challenges
“Microneedle devices for transport of molecules, including drugs and biological molecules, across tissue, are provided. The microneedle devices permit drug delivery or removal of body fluids at clinically relevant rates across skin or other tissue barriers, with minimal or no damage, pain, or irritation to the tissue…
The systems and methods described herein are, in one aspect, directed to transdermal devices, including an intraepidermal delivery devices for administering a substance to a patient. More particularly, the invention is directed to devices and to methods for establishing fluid communication for administering agents and monitoring a patent's condition. In one exemplary embodiment the systems and methods provide delivery devices for administering a substance into or below the stratum corneum of the skin of a patient. As used herein, the term penetrate refers to entering a layer of the skin without necessarily passing completely through. Piercing refers to passing completely through a layer of the skin. As used herein, transdermal refers to the exchange of a substance, such as blood, a pharmaceutical, a biological agent or a vaccine, through one or more layers of skin…
The devices and methods are particularly suitable for use in administering various substances, including pharmaceutical agents, to a patient, and notably to a human patient…
In some embodiments, a vaccine is administered using the device and method…
The microneedle device is valuable in promoting significant immune response to a vaccine by delivering a vaccine below the stratum corneum and into the cells of the tissue.”
Microneedle array patch patent
Other routes of injecting nanotech are talked about by Professor Ian Akyıldız. He discusses injecting remotely programable nano machines to help fight disease, complete with gateways and bio cyber interfaces with two way communication.
Science and Society Meetings - XI, Prof. Dr. İlhan Fuat Akyıldız, Georgia University
Nanobots that self replicate are used in chemotherapy, “vaccines”, gene therapy, and more:
The following two lectures describe ways in which nanoparticles enter human cells in relation to pharmacology:
Translation of Drug Exposure Between Virtual Populations to Support Drug Development
Cellular Uptake of Nanoparticles: Mechanisms and Consequences
“Currently more than 50 nanomedicine formulations have been approved for clinical use, as recently reviewed by multiple authors: These marketed nanomedicine formulations are approved for cancer treatment, iron-replacement therapies, anesthetics, fungal treatments, macular degeneration, and for the treatment of genetic rare diseases. Nano/microparticle imaging agents have also been included in the statistics. The majority of approved NP classes are represented by liposomes, iron colloids, protein-based NP, nano-emulsions, nanocrystals and metal oxide nanoparticles. The three new formulations mentioned in the previous section, not only show that the number of formulations approved are steadily increasing, but that new generations of nanomedicine are now reaching the market.”
Delivering the power of nanomedicine to patients today (2020)
Iron oxide nanoparticles can be introduced into the body through medicine. The following discuss medical applications of iron oxide in relation to pharmacology:
“A Physiologically Based Pharmacokinetic Model to Predict the Superparamagnetic Iron Oxide”
Materials Science for Nanomedicine: Iron Oxide Nanoparticles (2016)
Iron Oxide and Gold Based Magneto-Plasmonic Nanostructures for Medical Applications: A Review
"Plasmonic nanoparticles (NPs) are one of the most promising and studied inorganic nanomaterials for different biomedical applications… Herein, we review recently reported bioconjugated plasmonic NPs using different chemical approaches and loading cargoes (such as drugs, genes, and proteins) for enhancement of transdermal delivery across biological tissues.”
Bioconjugated Plasmonic Nanoparticles for Enhanced Skin Penetration
The use of gold nanoparticles in therapy for cancer treatment is discussed in this document.
“Targeted hyperthermia with plasmonic nanoparticles”
Smart pill from MIT monitors and medicates via Bluetooth
3D Printing of a Multi-Layered Polypill Containing Six Drugs Using a Novel Stereolithographic Method
CDRH Review of Medical Devices Containing Nanoscale Materials
Towards hospital-on-chip supported by 2D MXenes-based 5th generation intelligent biosensors
Homeopathy as Nanomedicine, Ayurvedic Nanomedicine, and Allopathic Nanomedicine, Nanoparticle herbs:
Traditional and alternative medicines are now being used in nanoparticle form, and may be included under the category of nano pharmacology.
Ayurvedic Nanomedicine, Allopathic Nanomedicine, and Homeopathy
Homoeopathy: A nano medicine (International Journal of Homoeopathic Sciences)
Advances in Integrative Nanomedicine for Improving Infectious Disease Treatment in Public Health
Orthopedic Implants:
Traditional orthopedic implants now include nanotechnology. Specifically, implantable sensors- a variation of Internet or Bio-Nano-Things (IoBNT). 4D bioprinting is utilized.
The Homeland Defense & Security Information Analysis Center (HDIAC), which is part of the U.S. Department of Defense’s Information Analysis Center (IAC), talks about implantable nano sensors in the following webinar:
HDIAC Webinar - Bringing the Hospital to the Patient: Advances in Implantable Nano Sensors
Dr. Tom Webster, professor of chemical engineering at Northeastern University, talks more about implantable nano sensors in this brief video:
Nanotechnology In Dentistry
Nanotechnology in Dentistry: Current Achievements and Prospects
Graphene Confirmed In Dental Anesthetics By University Of Colorado
Nanotechnology in toothpaste: Fundamentals, trends, and safety
Dental Anaesthetics:
"The binding between graphene and articaine was the strongest."
Understanding interactions between graphene and local anesthetic molecules applied in dentistry – Towards the prolonged effects of local anesthesia -
“…F68-reduced graphene oxide hydrogel was developed to achieve sustained release of lidocaine.”
Lidocaine-loaded reduced graphene oxide hydrogel for prolongation of effects of local anesthesia: In vitro and in vivoanalyses -
“In this study, we developed a formulation comprises of sodium alginate (SA) and graphene oxide (GO) to prolong the release of lidocaine.”
Graphene Oxide-Reinforced Alginate Hydrogel for Controlled Release of Local Anesthetics: Synthesis, Characterization, and Release Studies -
"Date: July 22, 2024: Is there Graphene in dental anesthetic? We asked the University of Colorado Boulder to test samples of dental anesthetic. We sent samples of Articaine Hydrochloride 4% and epinephrine 1:200,000, lot number (10) 230109 for testing. The testing was completed using Raman Microspectroscopy. At the conclusion of testing, Jessica C. Hankins, Sr Professional Research Assistant, Raman Microspectroscopy and Geomicrobiology Lab Manager reports "I can affirm the presence of graphene oxide particles in this anesthetic with high confidence.
View full report here -
“Date: September 28, 2023: Is there RNA or DNA in dental anesthetic? We asked Kevin McKernan with Medicinal Genomics to test samples of dental anesthetic. The testing was completed on Articaine Hydrochloride 4% and epinephrine 1:200,000, lot number (10) 230109. At the conclusion of testing, he reports no detectable vaccine derived RNA or DNA is present in the anesthetic.”
View full report here -
“Date: August 9, 2023: Preliminary testing results from Dr. Ana Maria Mihalcea
Dr. Ana Maria Mihalcea was first to respond to our request for testing the lot of dental anesthetic. She completed her testing on Articaine Hydrochloride 4% and epinephrine 1:200,00, lot number (10) 230109 using Dark Field Microscopy.”
View full report here -
The previous three reports are contained on the website below. It also shows records of testing requests from well known names along with the responses. Contact information is provided on the website for any questions regarding this topic.
Lundstrom Family Dentistry
Dental Implants:
“In biological dentistry, every metal in the body is regarded as a kind of antenna for microwaves and other electromagnetic fields (EMF).”
How titanium implants act as antennas for electromagnetic fields -
Nanotheronostics: The unfavorable role of titanium particles released from dental implants
Titanium levels in the organs and blood of rats with a titanium implant…
"However, the chemical corrosions arising from interaction with the surrounding tissues and fluids in oral cavity can challenge the integrity of Ti implants and leach Ti ions/nanoparticles, thereby causing cytotoxicity."
Enhanced Corrosion Resistance and Local Therapy from Nano-Engineered Titanium Dental Implants
Nanotechnology In Cosmetics
Many types of nanomaterials are found in cosmetics in increasing levels. They can absorb into the body from the skin.

IEEE: Emerging AI Technologies Inspiring the Next Generation of E-Textiles
IEEE: How Can the Internet of Clothing Benefit Our Wellbeing and Environment?
IEEE: Industry Connections and Standards Group for 3D Body Processing (3DBP)
Energy Harvesting Powered Smart Fabrics- The Future of Fashion
Nanotechnology In Tattoos
Nanotechnology In Wastewater
Graphene spiced-up anaerobic digestion substantially increases biogas production potential
Nano-graphene induced positive effects on methanogenesis in anaerobic digestion
Again, we see IEC is behind this. Click here and here to see IEC’s framework for these systems.
Nanotechnology In Everything
Nonetechnology exists now in nearly everything now - that’s their goal - to connect EVERYTHING.
Internet of Everything (IoE) - From Molecules to the Universe by Murat Kuscu