Biodigital Convergence & Smart Cities Exposed!
The only website of its kind on the planet!

(IoBNT-based AI nanosystem)
photo credit: Tech Science Press
Biodigital Convergence
The Biodigital Convergence: changing what it means to be human. What is the Biodigital Convergence?
The Biodigital Convergence uses nanotechnology. What is nanotechnology?
Engineered nanoparticles enter humans from all angles (geoengineering, healthcare, and much more)
Toxicity of nanoparticles: major health risks, lack of oversight
Issues surrounding nanotechnology: security, privacy, ethical, legal
What You Can Do
The Biodigital Convergence poses major health risks, security risks, privacy violations, and human rights violations. We did not ask to be experimented on with human augmentation technology. Most of the decisions to move forward with this happened without public knowledge and without their informed consent. There was no permission given to violate bodily sovereignty. We do not allow any third party to access our body or influence our consciousness. We do not condone the building of an infrastructure that facilitates these violations.
We must actively oppose Smart City infrastructure and technology. Make your voices heard at the municipal and state levels, especially. Connect with your local leaders via email, phone calls or in person at city council meetings and at the state house. Educate them on this topic or just ask them questions about it in order to put pressure on them. Hold them personally accountable. You’ll find links below on how to do this. There is also a flyer you may print out for distribution to help raise awareness.
Researcher Kate Mason shares valuable tips on how to research and address this at your local level. See the entire video from the clip above here:
Researcher Julianne Romanelllo’s work is essential for learning how to address this at a local level. Be sure to find links to all her research in the footer of this website.
Clip 1
Clip 2
Video credit: Julianne Romanello
Clip 3
“If you know the language of the aggressors, you can begin to defend yourself. Learn to spot the jargon. They use the SAME WORDS for EVERY PROJECT.”
-Julianne Romanello
“Communitarianism”is a word which best fits how Smart City programs are being rolled out. Communitarianism gives the illusion that a community is deciding things, when it’s actually assigned people or groups speaking in place of the public voice.
"Steering the public - Communitarianism" interview (video)
“We are an unaffiliated group of local residents…We do not agree with arriving at a ‘Consensus’ through being steered into predetermined outcomes by trained facilitators either working for the council or public/private partnerships. We deem this to be against the public interest and an affront to democracy.”
-Mark Windows
The Surveillance Resistance Lab
Get involved to stop geoengineering:
Chemtrails Awareness Project (offers testing kits to test in your area)
Chemtrails Project UK: Campaign to Ban Chemtrails and Geoengineering
Click here for lots more on geoengineering.
Weather Modification Laws in the United States of America
Many U.S. states now have varying stages of legislation to ban geoengineering. The successful signing of legislation banning geoengineering into law recently in Tennessee has had a ripple effect on other states now trying to pass similar bills, mostly modeling their bills after the New Hampshire bill which has more teeth than the Tennessee bill. The following states have legislation in varying stages of development:
Iowa currently has TWO bills prohibiting geoengineering:
Be sure to sign the online petition in support of this legislation on the Clear Skies Iowa website and share widely!
Ask legislators to support this and help to educate them! There are links on the biodigcon main page to help you locate and contact your legislators.
SB 2691 (formerly HB 2063) went into effect July 1, 2024. Governor Bill Lee signed the legislation into law. "Prohibits the intentional injection, release, or dispersion, by any means, of chemicals, chemical compounds, substances, or apparatus within the borders of this state into the atmosphere with the express purpose of affecting temperature, weather, or the intensity of the sunlight."
New Hampshire
HB 1700-FN is known as The Clean Atmosphere Preservation Act and is set to go into effect upon passage. Several other states have modeled their bills on this bill. The bill maintains its rights under the 10th Amendment of the Constitution “where federal programs and restrictions have become oppressive or destructive.” The bill makes it mandatory for the state to seek evidence from the public regarding violations. Penalties for violations include felony charges, a minimum of $500 million in fines and a minimum of two years in prison. Each day a violation occurs is considered a separate charge.
South Dakota
Rhode Island
SB 0104
We must put pressure on our local leaders and legislators! Document all correspondence and amplify it by sharing on social media- this holds those officials publicly accountable for what they do and what they fail to do! One on one conversations won't get amplified unless they're shared with an audience.
Attend and Speak Up at City Council meetings!
Distribute flyers from this website! Find others who are willing to join you and form networks (both on and off social media)!
Our potential to affect change is vast and untapped...